I've finally made some new posts, be sure to check out the other ones!!!
Daddy and I made a snowman on December 1, the first real day that it snowed. We named her Susie. Every morning this week I have had to go outside and check on her.
I have advanced from bob skates to 1 blade skates, I'm getting better and better each time we go.
This year I had a lot of fun doing halloween stuff. We carved a pumpkin, & colored & painted pumpkins. I dressed up as a tiger, and I got to wear face paint.
I was a good helper getting all the goey stuff out.
My scary face
We painted pumkins at Isabelles. It even matches my shirt.
Oakley and I went skating in our costumes.
Isabella watched us in her costume.
I'm starting to like skating more and more.
Then we watched the Aces game. Watching the Zamboni was the most fun.