Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

2 months old

I am already 2 months old, wow the time is flying by. I am still 11 lbs. I only gained 2 ounces in the last 2 weeks, probably because I was a little bit sick. Mom doesn't mind that I am staying small, but I sure am getting longer! I can hold my head up very well, and I love to sit and look around. I have been very interested in the world around me, checking everything out. I get to lie down when I go for stroller rides now which makes me very happy. The less time I have to spend in that car seat, the better. I also got to watch my Uncle Scott play baseball yesterday. I am going to be doing a lot of that this summer, Mommy & Daddy sure hope I like it. Well Mommy took a bunch of 2 month old pictures of me, hope you like them. Please leave some comments, I would like to know what you think of me!

My new Bumbo chair sure is fun to sit in all on my own

This is how Daddy calms me down when my stomach hurts,
I look pretty relaxed.

I fall asleep in some very funny positions.

Naked in my bouncy chair

See my big belly

Relaxing in my swing, I'm starting to like it a little more.

I love to smile for the camera!


Shaking my rattle!

This is the new way I get to go for walks


Anonymous said...

She has changed so much. Very the Bumbo

Our Three Busy Kids said...

She looks adorable. You and Rob have been truly blessed. Carole