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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Getting Ready for Christmas

Well I haven't posted in a while. I was sick almost all of December. I got lucky and felt good for about 5 days over Christmas. I had a lof of fun, and got a ton of new presents. Santa even came to our house Christmas Eve and I just couldn't beleive it. Then I ended up in the hospital for 6 nights. Now we are finally catching up on our rest, and getting back into routine for a few months before the big moving day and before the new baby comes. These are some pics from before christmas, sledding, skating and getting our tree. We'll post some pics from Christmas soon!

I think I sat on Santas lap 3 times this year, and each time I was excitied and told him what I wanted for Chrismtas and gave him a big hug.

We went to the town Christmas Tree lighting, it was lots of fun but very cold so we only have 1 picture of Grandma & I.

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