Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I'm 3

Well, we did it. We finally moved into our new house. Just in time for my birthday. We took some pics before we moved in, and haven't really taken any since. We moved the weekend of my birthday so we were really busy, then the flu and cough and colds went through the family again, and hockey playoffs were very busy too. Now we are finally settling in, and getting everything in place for the baby to come. Here are a few pics of the house because everyone is asking, and a bunch of birthday pics.

My room before moving in, balloons are all ready for the party!

The kitchen, pretty much finished

Ready to splash in the puddles, we've had a few nice days and we've had to take advantage of them because in between the few nice days are very nasty cold windy days.

present time!

I sure liked my birthday card from Oak & Bella

Zuzu pet... thanks Auntie Hollie

Bella & I thinking that we are very silly sticking our fingers in the cake

Very excited about singing Happy Birthday

Opening presents from Mom & Dad and Grandma & Grandpa in the morning, as soon as I woke up.

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