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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Swimming Lessons & Sunflower Festival

Mom helped with the Sunflower Festival Queen Pageant Fashion Show again this year. I even got to be a part of it as well. I gave the flowers to the 2nd Princess, and got to walk out on the big stage. I did a great job, and I was very brave. I practiced my wave all week, and got it down pat!!

All ready to go

Dancin' it up at the stage show before the crowning

waiting patiently for the 2nd princess to be called

Kelly Fehr was crowned and I'm giving her flowers

Here is our big wave

Callie Tomchuk was the 1st Princess, I see Callie all the time when I go to my babysitters, so I was very excited for her.

I made it through the entire 2 weeks of swimming lessons this year. Last year I only lasted 2 days before I got pnemonia. I passed sea turtle, and I had a great time. I got a lot braver throughout the week. I look a little grumpy in this pic about the whole diving board thing.

Just couldn't do it on my own

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